viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

Causes De La Revolució Francesa

viernes, diciembre 18, 2009

Al final del s. XVIII a França pervivia l’Antic Règim: Lluís XVI continuava sent un monarca absolut i la societat era estamental i estava dividida entre els privilegiats (la noblesa i el clergat) i els no privilegiats (l’anomenat Tercer Estat).

Lluis XVI:

En aquesta situació, tres tipus de causes (econòmiques, socials i ideològiques) van provocar una situació revolucionària:

 - Causes econòmiques:

Possiblement la causa més significativa. Cal pensar que des de la meitat del segle hi van haver males collites a França, que van provocar una crisi de subsistència.
Aquesta crisi de subsistència va provocar :

      • Alça de preus del pa i del vi.

      • Crisi en la indústria i en conseqüència descontentament popular, atur i misèria.

L’altre factor va ser el fort deute de l’Estat per despeses de la Cort i els conflictes bèl•lics (participació en la Revolució Americana).

Les despeses superaven els 5.000 milions i els ingressos previstos d’uns 500.

Per la configuració social de l’Estat la pressió econòmica era sobre el 3r. Estat. Aquest grup estava obligat a:

   • Treballar gratis uns dies a la setmana (pagesos)

   • Pagament del delme a l’esglèsia.

   • Pagament de la talla a l’estat.

La noblesa i el clergat estaven exempts.

Per contra, la Cort vivia de forma fastuosa (moltes persones de servei, festes i desfilades a Versalles…) Especialment era criticada Maria Antonieta.

Breu descripció que es fa de Maria Antonieta:

En aquests context els ministres d’Hisenda dimitien o eren cessats amb molta rapidesa. En poc temps van passar 3:

Turgot ------ Necker ------ Calonne

Calonne va intentar reformar l’Hisenda i va plantejar crear un nou impost (el veintavo) que gravaria les propietats i per tant afectava a tots els estaments i especialment a la noblesa i el clergat (tenien 1/6 de les terres).

Aquest serà el motiu de la convocatòria dels Estats Generals

- Causes socials

L’estructura estamental de la societat provocava problemes especialment a la burgesia que havia progressat econòmicament però no políticament (degut als privilegis de l’aristocràcia, l’organització gremial que encara subsistia, drets i monopolis feudals).

Aquesta situació de descontentament es reflecteix en els Quaderns de Queixes que s’elaboren quan es convoquen els Estats Generals:

- Causes ideològiques

La il.lustració va ser la base ideològica de la Revolució francesa.
Els pensadors il.lustrats defensaven els “drets naturals” de les persones, basats en la igualtat i seguretat jurídica.

Lloc de l'informació extreta:

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009


lunes, diciembre 07, 2009

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2009

What is Paco de Lucía?

jueves, diciembre 03, 2009

Paco de Lucía, born Francisco Sánchez Gómez (in Algeciras, Cádiz on December 21, 1947), is a Spanish composer and guitarist. Recognized as a "virtuoso flamenco" guitarist all over the world, he is a leading proponent of the Modern Flamenco style, and is one of the very few flamenco guitarists who have also successfully crossed over into other genres of music. He enjoys, and has been a successful musician in, many styles such as classical, jazz, and world music. He is the winner of the 2004 Prince of Asturias Awards in Arts.


Paco de Lucia was born Francisco Sánchez Gómez in Algeciras, a city in the province of Cádiz, at the southernmost tip of Spain directly in front of the Rock of Gibraltar. The youngest of the five children of flamenco guitarist Antonio Sánchez, and brother of flamenco singer Pepe de Lucía and flamenco guitarist Ramón de Algeciras, he adopted the stage name Paco de Lucía in honor of his Portuguese mother, Lucía Gomes. In Algeciras, and generally in Andalusia, it is a custom to name boys (especially if they have the same first name) by adding the mother's name in order to properly identify them, such as "Paco de (la) Carmen," "Paco de (la) María," and so on.

Places where it is possible to listen

jueves, diciembre 03, 2009

Although considered part of the culture of Spain, flamenco actually originated in one specific region, Andalucia. Other areas, mainly Extremadura and Murcia, have contributed to the development of several flamenco musical forms, and many renowned flamenco artists have been born outside Andalusia. It is generally acknowledged that flamenco grew out of the interplay of Arabic, Andalucian, Sephardic, and Gypsy cultures that existed in Andalusia prior to and after the Reconquest. Latin American and especially Cuban influences have also contributed, as evidenced in the dances of "Ida y Vuelta". Flamenco is the music of the gypsies and played in their social community. Andalusian people who grew up around gypsies, and the life, were also accepted as "flamencos" (Paco de Lucía).

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

el link de la pagina

jueves, noviembre 12, 2009

What is Flamenco?

jueves, noviembre 12, 2009

Flamenco is a folk art and culture from Spain. It is particular to the province of Andalusia in Spain. Historically, it has always been the musical outlet of the poor and opperssed. It passed on by oral tradiction whivh the individual artist uses as the basis for his owen variations.


Is his though that was to evolve into flamenco origined back to the 16th century. The flamenco song (or "cante", as it is known) involves as synthesis of at least four cultures:

- the Wypsies
- the Moors, or Arabs
- the Jews
- the indigenous Andalusians

The first three were thrown together by the general persecution that followed the expulsion of the Moors in 1492. Flamenco was eventually created by the fusion of the "cante gitano" with Andalusians folk music. The accompaniament of the singing by the guitar is a later phenomenon altough it is recorded by travellers in Andalusia in the 18th century. Andalusian folk song had in the past been accompanied by differenti instruments including bandurria, violin and tambourina, but now the guitar predominated.

Flamenco first became a public, performing art in the second half of the nineteenth century, with the emergence of the "cafe cantante". The first "cafe cantante" opened in Seville in 1842, and attracted very little attention. But by the 1860s similar cafés were estabilished not only in the major cities of Andalusia but as far Madrid, and beyond. An audience of "aficionados" from all classes and occ`pations watched the performance. They could expect to be entertained by a group comprising perhaps one or two singers, three or four female and two male dancers, accompanied by two guitarists. The second half of the nineteenth century was one of the great ages of flamenco performance. The cafés brought together the Gypsy singers ("cante gitano") and the Andaluz singers ("cante andaluz") which became masters of many different forms of flamenco. The cafés also axpanded the role of the guitar, which became tremendously popular. They would employ a regular first and second guitarists, who had to know how to accompanny many different froms of songs and dance, and be able to follow the styles of differents singers. While the singers remained the leading figure, the guitarist came to take a less subservient part as time went on. Good guitarists weew in grat demad, the competition was fierce. In their efforts to outdo each other, the players introduced new techniques, and sometimes even resorted to tricks and outrafeous acts of showmanship such as playing with a gloves at one hand or with the guitar held above their head. But the "cafés" fostered aseries of fine guitarists culminating in Rámon Montoya (1880-1949), who was later to be the founder of the modern style of flamenco solo guitar.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

The music of my grandparents and me

jueves, octubre 29, 2009

My parents like flamenco and pop, the rest of my family that live in Granada like flamenco.

-Music flamenco:

Andy y Lucas

Andy y Lucas - Son de amores


Camela - Que tiene ella que no tenga yo


Decai - Lloro porque no la tengo


La oreja de Van Gogh

La oreja de Van Gogh - Dulce locura


Beyoncé - Halo


Belinda- No entiendo

My music like is flamenco, pop, techno, hip hop, rap, reggaeton...


Dani Moreno

Dani Moreno - I wanna be free

Wally Lopez

Wally Lopez- Close to me


Fragma - Memory


Timberlake and Madonna

Timberlake and Madonna - 4 Minutes


Temperamento - El secreto


Nach Scratch ft. Dlux

Nach Scratch ft. Dlux - Mis Dias

Delux ft. Arma Blanca

Delux ft. Arma Blanca - Es el y ella


Dlux - Payasos


Wisin & Yandel

Wisin & Yandel - Besos Mojados

Tony Dize

Tony Dize - Mi Mayor Atracción


Akon - I wanna fuck you

Wisin & Yandel

Wisin & Yandel - Me la llevo

Daddy Yankee

Daddy Yankee - Que tengo que hacer

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009


jueves, octubre 22, 2009

My name is Noemi, I was born in El Prat.
I live with my parents and my older sister, the rest of my family livin in Granada.
My English Project is about the music of my granparents and I.
My favourite music is Pop, Techno, Flamenco and Reggaeton.